
Empowering Awareness: A Look at March’s Observances and Think’s Social Work Department

As March unfolds, it brings with it a series of observances aimed at illuminating critical issues affecting our communities. From Self-Injury Awareness Day on March 1st, highlighting the complexities of deliberate self-harm, to the nationwide initiative of National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week, focused on educating adolescents about substance abuse, this month serves as a platform for awareness and understanding.

March 1st marks Self-Injury Awareness Day, dedicated to raising awareness about deliberate self-inflicted harm, distinct from suicidal intentions. Typically commencing at age 13 and persisting into adulthood, approximately 17% of individuals will engage in self-harm during their lifetime. This observance seeks to foster understanding and empathy, dispelling judgment and fear. Symbolized by an orange ribbon and the imagery of a butterfly, it serves as a beacon of support for those affected.

National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week, a nationwide health initiative, seeks to enlighten adolescents about the ramifications of substance abuse. According to the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System surveys (YRBS), approximately 29% of high school students admit to using alcohol, cannabis, or illicit opioids in the past month, with 34% of them acknowledging multiple substance usage. Given the prevalent exposure to substance use among teenagers, whether through peer influence or familial contexts, proactive discussions about addiction risks are crucial during their formative years. Notably, adolescents who engage in social alcohol consumption before turning 21 face heightened susceptibility to substance use disorders, underscoring the significance of imparting awareness regarding the statistical and risk factors associated with underage substance use.

From March 18th to March 22nd, National LGBTQ Health Awareness Week sheds light on ongoing challenges faced by LGBTQ individuals in accessing healthcare services. Despite significant strides, discrimination persists among insurers and medical providers, hindering or denying essential care. LGBTQ individuals often encounter disbelief, assumptions, or dismissal from healthcare providers, amplifying barriers to quality healthcare. This week serves to galvanize the healthcare community towards fostering safe, inclusive, and affirming environments, ensuring equitable access to non-discriminatory healthcare for all LGBTQ individuals.

As March draws to a close, let us carry forward the lessons and insights gleaned from these observances, striving to create a society that values the well-being and dignity of every individual.

Meet Think’s Social Work Department

As we honor Social Work Month this March, we extend our heartfelt appreciation to the invaluable contributions of Think’s Social Work Department. Positioned on the west side’s 6th floor, they play a pivotal role in empowering patients to navigate life’s challenges with resilience and confidence. Through education, counseling, and unwavering advocacy, Think’s social workers ensure that every patient receives the support and care they deserve. Their selfless dedication and commitment to improving lives exemplify Think’s unwavering commitment to holistic healthcare. Join us in expressing gratitude to these remarkable individuals whose tireless efforts make our world a better place, one patient at a time.


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