
Dedicated clinical pharmacy staff working with you and your provider 

Our Whole Person approach to care isn’t the only thing that sets think apart — with a clinical pharmacy team, we are able to provide our patients with an elevated healthcare experience unlike anything in our region.  


As a think patient, you are able to count on a dedicated pharmacist who works directly with your healthcare team. This cooperation continues throughout your care at think. In order to ensure the highest levels of effectiveness and safety, our clinical pharmacists begin with a comprehensive audit of your medications. 

This process allows your pharmacist to make recommendations that may actually reduce the number of medications you have to take, and ensures that you’re prescribed the most effective medications that safely interact with your overall treatment plan. Once the medications have been recommended, your pharmacist will do a cost analysis to make sure you receive the most affordable options.


Learn more about becoming a new patient at think whole person healthcare!

Clinical Pharmacists

Bio photo of Austin Dudzinski
Austin Dudzinski, PharmD
Clinical Pharmacy
Bio photo of Courtney Green
Courtney Green, PharmD
Clinical Pharmacy
Nairi Kasparian, PharmD
Clinical Pharmacy
Bio photo of Shelly Lippold
Shelley Lippold, PharmD
Clinical Pharmacy
Alicia McCampbell, PharmD
Clinical Pharmacy
Bio photo of Kala Ray
Kala Ray, PharmD
Clinical Pharmacy
Bio photo of Mandi Russeli
Mandi Russell, PharmD
Clinical Pharmacy

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