Brian Poole, MD
Internal Medicine and Nephrology
A Doctor of Internal Medicine and Nephrology at think, Dr. Brian Poole works in the areas of Diabetes Management, Chronic Kidney Disease, and Hypertension.
Dr. Poole has known since high school biology class that he wanted to work in Medicine, and enjoys helping patients improve their health. His own journey of weight loss and fitness allows him to speak from personal experience when consulting patients.
What he loves about think is the concept of working as a team. He hopes that his patients find him to be laid back and friendly.
When he is not working, he can mostly be found watching his kid’s activities, exercising, and playing golf. He would love to find the time to fly to Italy someday!
Accepting New Patients
Located on Level Four
402.506.9107 (office)
402.315.2738 (fax)